Loyalty Program

  • Remember 5%-10% off your dues for every active member you bring on
  • Rewards are available for leased properties (Creating the Contact)

Professional Conduct

  • Respect the landowners (They are our best asset) 
  • Respect other members (They are our second best assets)
  • ALWAYS display your badge on your vehicle.
  • Remove any and all trash you bring on the property, including food wrappers, containers, sacks, cans, bottles, and most importantly, spent shells, they have our names on them.
  • Never give out gate codes or badges. If Colorado Outdoor Sports finds a non-member with a badge, they will be prosecuted. 
  • Entering Colorado Outdoor Sports property without a reservation could be seen as trespassing.
  • No driving on muddy roads that will leave ruts, no driving on grass ever, two tracks only if allowed.
  • If a Landowner has made special request you must follow. Know and follow the rules of the property you have reserved! All information is found on the COS Property Page.
  • Members will be required to pay reasonable damages to Colorado Outdoor Sports for all unauthorized use of our lands. You agree to not hunt, fish, lease, or rent or attempt to lease directly or indirectly, any land which Colorado Outdoor Sports has/had leased, while a/was member until at least 3 years elapsed after the expiration of the last Colorado Outdoor Sports lease, without prior authorization from Colorado Outdoor Sports. 
  • No guiding for money, or compensation on Colorado Outdoor Sports land.
  • No open campfires ever.


  • Your 2 reservations are for two fulls days, you may reserve for the whole day or half of the day
  • 2 reservations per week (meaning you can only have two reservations on the system in a 7 Day Period)
  • When the first reservation falls off, you can reserve again
  • A 2 day reservation consists of two AM reservations and two PM reservations only
  • If you only use an AM and an AM, you are entitled to a PM and a PM – not anymore AM’s
  • You can NOT have two reservations for the same time
  • Removed all and any trash you bring on property, including: food wrappers, containers, sacks, cans, bottles and most importantly SPENT SHELLS, they have our name on them
  • JUMP SHOOTING unreserved properties is not a club mentality
  • Entering COS property without a reservation could be seen as trespassing, DON’T DO IT!!! When you reserve a specific location, you are NOT allowed to trespass onto another reservation location
  • NEVER give out gate codes or badges, period. If I find a non-member with a member’s badge, they will be prosecuted; don’t do that to a friend!
  • If you decide to not use your reservation, please cancel as soon as possible. Non canceling, non use of property is punishable by charging the current administration fee of one month’s full dues. *CANCEL FROM YOUR CONFIRMATION EMAIL
  • Don’t waste our properties or your money; respect your fellow members by not reserving properties and leaving them empty

Guests and Guest Fees

  • No guest is allowed without a signed hold harmless agreement, no excuses
  • Guest fees are as follows: $25.00 a day for fishing and $50.00 a day for hunting
  • No guest more than thee times a year
  • One guest at a time
  • NO GUESTS allowed on opening day
  • No guests on group hunts
  • If found with an unannounced guest, you as a member will be assessed two times the full monthly dues
  • Your guests are your responsibility, make sure they abide by ALL rules, if they don’t, ask them to leave or don’t invite them. NO EXCUSES

Join Colorado’s Preferred Member-Only
Corporate Hunting and Fishing Club!

We’re looking forward to providing you and your family with the best hunting and fishing experiences in the nation. Enjoy exclusive member-only benefits and start investing in your passion today. For more information regarding membership, please contact us at 720-300-9400!